The Incompetent Temporary Bachelor Chronicles: Vol. I

MLB is in another time zone on business, leaving me and the Dog Faced Girl to fend for ourselves, a task for which we each are woefully ill-equipped. In fairness to Abbye, the fact that she’s aged, infirm, blind, and lacks opposable thumbs gives her some legitimate excuses that I, for the most part (hold… Continue reading The Incompetent Temporary Bachelor Chronicles: Vol. I

Categorized as Food & Drink

Neighborhood Killdeer

Killdeer are exceedingly common throughout the US, and they’re even regularly observed around bodies of water in our arid part of the state. Still, I haven’t had the opportunity to observe them up close until a family took up residence around the stream and pond located in our new neighborhood. I shot the following video… Continue reading Neighborhood Killdeer

Random Thursday

Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve done one of these. Bear with me while I get my bearings. Today is Trash Day. We’ve never had Trash Day before, so this is a big deal. Our new neighborhood doesn’t have dumpsters, so we have to wheel our city-provided trash cans into the alley to await… Continue reading Random Thursday