Camera Sunday

I spent some time last Sunday afternoon wandering around the grounds, camera in hand, looking for photo ops. As usual, once I focused on the trees instead of the forest*, a number of interesting details emerged, most of which involved flying creatures of the six-legged variety. This insect goes by the rather unappealing name of… Continue reading Camera Sunday


I’ve never made a secret of my dislike for spiders. There are people for whom I have great respect who think spiders make great pets, but I’d just as soon invite a family of cobras to live in our bedroom as tolerate a single eight legged freak. We recently transplanted a couple of tall junipers… Continue reading Arachnophotos


I discovered a mockingbird nest in the lower limbs of the Chinese pistache planted in our back yard. I had been hearing odd chirps coming at fairly regular intervals over the preceding few days, but didn’t really think anything about it until Saturday afternoon when I noticed some unusually persistent mockingbird presence around the tree. … Continue reading Mockingbirdlets

Software Overview: Tonality, a black and white photo editor

I’ve always been enamored of black and white photography, dating back to the little Polaroid that I used in the Sixties. Seeing some of Ansel Adams’s work in Santa Fe only added to the attraction of that medium. All of my photography nowadays is in color, although I occasionally experiment with black and white effects… Continue reading Software Overview: Tonality, a black and white photo editor