The Perfected Art of Planned Obsolescence (…or, “I should have paid it off slower”)

I celebrated a monumental event last week. It wasn’t my wedding anniversary, nor my wife’s birthday, although those things did take place…but they do pretty much every year. No, this was something that happens only very rarely: I paid off my iPhone. I had been anticipating this blessed occurrence for a few months, but that… Continue reading The Perfected Art of Planned Obsolescence (…or, “I should have paid it off slower”)

Time Out for a Blog PSA: Y’all, it’s just a hobby!

I received a lot of responses — primarily via Facebook — to yesterday’s post about the Fire Ant Gazette-themed mask. And while I was gratified that so many were interested, I was a bit taken aback at the apparent perception by some that I was actively seeking help in promoting the Gazette. Don’t tell anyone… Continue reading Time Out for a Blog PSA: Y’all, it’s just a hobby!

Categorized as Navel Gazing

A Fire Ant Gazette mask? Why not? 2020 is a disaster anyway.

As you can see below, in an obvious act of shameless self-promotion, I have commissioned a limited edition run of Fire Ant Gazette masks guaranteed* to absolutely prevent the transmission of COVID-19 cooties. I’m told that the more of my face that’s covered, the better for everyone. COVID or no. OK, so when I say… Continue reading A Fire Ant Gazette mask? Why not? 2020 is a disaster anyway.